business consulting

People-Based Performance Solutions.

Our passion is creating dynamic cultures where people thrive.

Why We Do It

We know leadership and team resiliency are essential to survival. The root cause of poor culture is simple... organizations respond to employee needs through financial and job security needs. However, to awaken the human potential of people, a focus must be placed upon the skills of mental, emotional, and relational management.  When a team grows resilient, it has a strong sense of inclusion and psychological safety.  People feel better, work harder, experience less stress, and innovate solutions. The leader's most valuable asset is their people, yet the gap between what leaders provide and what people need grows wider.

We believe teams model their leaders. If the culture is poor, the leadership has blind spots and is underdeveloped.

From discovery and conception to execution, we bring strategic planning, innovative problem solving, alignment, and a lifetime of coaching, training, and assessment experience to resolve the cultural problem at the root cause.



How we help you succeed with:

We Transform Organizations

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We've had the great fortune to be connected to many of you here for years now. But many of you are newer and may wonder what the heck it even is that we do! And this is particularly true when it comes to how I help transform large organizations. So, we just wanted to share a quick six-minute clip from my new show, Concentric.

Not simply because our co-host, Jason, was able to extract what we do for companies, but also because we walk you through exactly what any business must do in order to build organizational alignment through the perfect combination of strategy and culture.

We Wrote the Book on Humanistic Business.

Bloomsbury Picked Peopleistic as the Global experts to write the book on Humanistic Business.

Humanistic Business is a proven business strategy that produces the long-term effect of sustainable success results in higher profits, engaged teams, staff retention, and loyal, inspired team members. Our goal is to have your clients rave about you, your business thriving, and your people happy.

The 7 Principles of Being a Humanistic Business

Published by Bloomsbury, the Humanistic Business book explains seven fundamental principles in transforming an organization in becoming more sustainable, profitable, and able to attract the right talent and retain loyal customers.

A Few Clients