Fast track your career - learn all about your natural behavioural style, your adapted behaviour (what you are currently doing), your stress profile, what you need more and less of, and other insights to what drives your current level of performance. Living your behavioural profile helps you manage your energy - so you fell inspired and can achieve amazing things.

Individual Extended DISC Online Profile and Report
This world leading profile takes approximately 15-20 minutes to complete and produces a unique 24 page report about your unique profile.
Once payment is made, Peopleistic will contact you via email and provide the access codes to undertake the profile. Once complete, an accredited Extended DISC Consultant will check the report based on it showing a stress indicator and as therapists we have your interests at heart.
You will receive the 24-page report via email usually within 24 hours.

Individual Extended DISC Online Profile, Report and 90 minute Debrief with Master Trainer Todd Hutchison
This world leading profile takes approximately 15-20 minutes to complete and produces a unique 24 page report about your profile. This option includes a 90 minute personal debrief by an internationally accredited consultant (face-to-face in Perth, or otherwise via Skype or telephone).
Todd Hutchison is a world renowned behavioral profile expert and a Master Trainer of the Extended DISC profile, including progressing a PhD in team synergy and behavior. You will also receive a free gift of one of Todd's books.
Once payment is made, Peopleistic will contact you via email and provide the access codes to undertake the profile. Once complete, an accredited Extended DISC Consultant will check the report based on it showing a stress indicator and as therapists we have your interests at heart. They will then contact you to arrange the debrief time. You will receive the 24-page report via email within 24 hours and before the debrief.
Debriefs can be recorded at your discretion, although this is recommended as Todd will talk fast and share a depth of information, including what your wealth profile is based on the Peopleistic overlaid 8 profile model.

Individual Extended DISC Online Profile, Report and 90 minute Debrief with Master Trainer Gary De Rodriguez
This world leading profile takes approximately 15-20 minutes to complete and produces a unique 24 page report about your profile. This option includes a 90 minute personal debrief by an internationally accredited consultant.
Once payment is made, Peopleistic will contact you via email and provide the access codes to undertake the profile. Once complete, an accredited Extended DISC Consultant will check the report based on it showing a stress indicator and as therapists we have your interests at heart. They will then contact you to arrange the debrief time. You will receive the 24-page report via email within 24 hours and before the debrief.
Debriefs can be recorded at your discretion, although this is recommended as Gary will talk fast and share a depth of information, including what your wealth profile is based on the Peopleistic overlaid 8 profile model.
Also get a profile debrief and we will inform you of your natural blind-spots, fear sensitives that are unduly influencing your actions, and your wealth profile, based on the Peopleistic overlaid 8-profile model.
Our worldwide success has shown that the key accelerator to helping you recognise what roles to focus on in your career, what areas to develop and what natural value you bring to live a passionate and exciting life, all starts here with a behavioural profile.
You can simply order the online profile and receive the 24 page report, or you can get imediate coaching to change your life with an internationally accredited Extended DISC Consultant, or the international Master Trainer and author in Extended DISC, Todd Hutchison, the Corporate Mechanic.
Peopleistic also offer a range of other profile tools, including 360 degree, work pair analysis, team profiling and customised surveys.
Even better - did you know that you can be trained by use face-to-face or online and become an internationally accredited Extended DISC Consultant yourself? Have a look at our certification programs.